To My Angel
You are with me in my dreams; I still feel you in my arms and in my womb. My beautiful baby boy you went away, but I know that Heaven called you and you could not stay.
My love for you will never fade, nor can your scent or smell ever be washed away.
I remember the last time I saw you smile; you were so content, because you knew your purpose all awhile.
You knew you were sent to set me free, so that God can continue to use me.
There are so many memories that we share, and I know you knew that I will always love you and care.
On the day you went away, it was a rainy and dark day. I knew that God chose this day to take my Angel away. The roll was called, and your name came up; then Heaven opened and took you up.
So now my Angel, I been set free, and you will always be watching over me. I named you Justice for a reason, and I know that God's mercy will make sure indeed?that all of us need Justice, including me.
I Love You, Baby Boy,
Always and Forever, your Mom and Dad!